Itinerary day 2

Day 2 objectives
Decoupage  second piece

Arrive 9.30

Take coffee or tea to workshop.
Discuss methods of gluing and sticking items down
Get started on decoupage.

Lunch around 1pm
Soup, bread, salad and variety of cheeses

Finish decoupage and give coat or two of dead flat acrylic varnish

Tea and tie up any loose ends, make notes etc
Discuss any problems with decoupage work

Itinerary day 3


Craquelure  the second piece.
Finish item as much as possible.
Introduction to crackle glaze and gilding on boards 
Discuss  varnishing, waxing and general finishing 

Arrive 9.30

Take coffee tea to workshop
Paint on base coat of Craquelure 

Introduction to crackle glaze. 
Work on boards .

Discussion and looking at different ways to finish a piece.

If base coat ready, put on top coat of Craquelure

Lunch around1pm
Veggie savoury , salad, bread

Rub colour into the cracks

Introduction to gilding on boards

Give piece a coat of varnish.

Cup of tea
Notes, tie up loose ends.